I have been saying this for years. Democrats follow the bureaucratic norms while Republicans exploit every single loophole. We lost the Supreme Court. We lost our fundamental freedoms like Roe. Gun owners have more rights than non-gun owners. It’s time for Democrats to fight harder for us.
Reposted from
The Daily Show
Jon Stewart Urges Dems to Fight Like Republicans and Exploit Loopholes
this is so true.
it finally hit me how out of touch dem leadership is with reality, smdh.
there is literally nothing to lose at this point...
Then let's see what Republicans do.
Repubs: It ain’t illegal unless you get caught!
Dems: What? We can’t do that!
And yes, I saw Jon Stewart's piece last night. I agree 💯%!!!
The rules of the game have changed. Time to start fighting back.
“When they go low, we kick them in the nuts.”
Tony Hinchcliffe is just a recent example of why.
They sit back and enjoy it. Move forward what’s done is done. We can still fight back. We have a long road ahead. Stop blaming, stop the should have, could have, would haves. United we stand.
Fun fact: Dakota means friend.
Find a loophole to their loopholes!
A morn is not the law!
They don’t care about your norms!