Why only 24 hours? We are trying to spend only on necessities- food, meds, etc. We no longer buy from Amazon, Walmart, etc. We buy whenever possible from small, locally owned stores we trust if we must buy at all. We will do this as long as necessary.
Not just one day for me! I cancelled Amazon on inauguration day and will boycott any and all companies or products supporting this coup. Democracy deserves more than one day. This includes all stocks in any companies either. I have liquidated my stock portfolio of traitors to democracy!!
let's go beyond a 24hr boycott. start finding ways to live your life without relying on amazon/walmart/etc. get creative and learn how to live without all the bullshit they have convinced us we "need"
I guess some stores are starting today because Walmart looked kinda WEIRD today, it's usually packed at the one I go to, it was sorta empty like where's the shoppers at!!!
EVERYBODY, please - we need to show our power. get cash and stay away from your phone/computer. walk down the block and buy your stuff from your neighbor stores. it’s not that hard and you will feel better. it’s just a better way to live.
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Enter February 28 into your Smart Phone Calendar.
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#Resist #FuckTrump #TheResistance
I hear Canada is taking America's place as the worlds leader congrats !! By pass America world we are the can't get right country. A waste of time to the world untrustworthy, greedy, racist. Nothing good here.
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict WE THE PEOPLE still have #ThePower and
Going to order dinner from a local pizza place tonight.
But you do you
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Enter February 28 into your Smart Phone Calendar.
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Please Do This With ME
#Resist #FuckTrump #TheResistance
whenever you're done having fun with this, consider a longer term targeted boycott
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