Our co-op is no stranger to unwanted government attention; we've been threatened by city officials, visited by the FBI, and surveilled by police. Today we're publishing a Statement of Noncooperation that spells out our commitments. https://firestorm.coop/noncooperation.html 1/6
• We will minimize non-required collection and storage of information about customers, authors, event participants, and others who engage with our co-op.
• We will resist, and publicly disclose, any attempt to obtain such information when it exists. 3/6
• We will decline to answer questions from police and government agents.
• We will fight any court or government subpoena, process, or demand for records, testimony, or evidence. 4/6
• We will support those in our community who face state repression, regardless of “guilt” or “innocence.”
• We will retain legal counsel to defend our freedom to not cooperate with the State. 5/6
Hope Asheville is recovering well and I’ll be seeing you folks on my next cross country ride in July!
Much love from Oakland CA