Indeed. We need to double down on our support for Ukraine. We need to completely sideline the US!
But I fear, Trump could even go as low as providing financial support to Russia. Nothing is impossible anymore with the orange fascist moron in the White House.
Yep. Time to cross every red line in sight. Close the sky over Ukraine and deliver long range weapons en masse. More talks with the US completely irrelevant, they're gone, they're lost. They're gonna have their own fight at home pretty soon.
... i.e. NO European pension funds, banks, insurance companies should be forced to invest in US capital markets just because there's where the liquidity lies.
Europe finest hour should be:
Our armies conquering back all Ukrainian land, expelling the orcs forever.
Our Navy blocking the Gulf of Finland and Bosphorus strait to any boat in commerce with ruzzia.
Our Air Force protecting the sky of Ukraine and entering ruzzia's to destroy their airbases.
The German CDU is flirting with the MAGA movement in many areas. Let's hope that there is less Russian infiltration there and that the democratic governments now work better together.
Let the politican go away with some fluffy, nice inconsequential words is what is not helping!
We need clear decisive actions! As Europe! Together!
The time for friendly conversation about the weather and what you had for breakfast is over! (Unless there were a set of clear decisive actions before)
Let's start by talking Europe up, not down. Let's be part of the solution. At the end of the day, there is no question of whether we can do it, so long is we want it enough. As for me, I am now compelled to want it.
I know what you mean. But we had too much "positiv" and "inspirational" talk (like "Zeitwende") in the last years ... and nothing really substantial coming out of it.
We need to take the gloves off, stop the speeches and let actions talk!
The thing is, we have no time to loose.
And when I see the speed of countries after the start of a WAR in Europe ... why should I be blindly optimistic that there is a gain of speed in sane and helpful actions after a random whitehouse pre-press meeting?
The wheels in Europe are turning. I hope our leaders will find the wisdom and resolve to arrange a strategic alliance that is both durable and capable. The hour is late. The time is now.
I just can't belive that UK invited them to the security meeting. What is there to say anymore after yesterday? We should just stop pretending that the US(under this admin.) is our ally, and start showing some agression instead ass-kissing. That's how you deal with bullies.
But I fear, Trump could even go as low as providing financial support to Russia. Nothing is impossible anymore with the orange fascist moron in the White House.
Europe should do a minerals + reconstruction + defense deal with Ukraine. NO participation for American companies!
1 Trillion to ramp up the European defense industry.
European capital needs to stop propping up the US - we need European financial markets that work...
We need to build this up in Europe.
Make it better than NYSE, NASDAQ, CME...
Successful European companies need to be able to raise capital in Europe instead of being drawn to the US !!!
Our armies conquering back all Ukrainian land, expelling the orcs forever.
Our Navy blocking the Gulf of Finland and Bosphorus strait to any boat in commerce with ruzzia.
Our Air Force protecting the sky of Ukraine and entering ruzzia's to destroy their airbases.
we go high.
In the last 3 years I saw too much words and too less action.
We need clear decisive actions! As Europe! Together!
The time for friendly conversation about the weather and what you had for breakfast is over! (Unless there were a set of clear decisive actions before)
We need to take the gloves off, stop the speeches and let actions talk!
The thing is, we have no time to loose.
And when I see the speed of countries after the start of a WAR in Europe ... why should I be blindly optimistic that there is a gain of speed in sane and helpful actions after a random whitehouse pre-press meeting?