Dear America,
If you don’t like what MAGA is doing, stop them. Hit the streets. Boycott. Strike. Civilly disobey. That’s the real stuff that made America great once.
If you don’t like what MAGA is doing, stop them. Hit the streets. Boycott. Strike. Civilly disobey. That’s the real stuff that made America great once.
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I would say mission accomplished by those exercising free speech.
He doesn't like his kids seeing "Free Speech", but turns a blind eye to Ukrainian kids being raped, bombed and stolen,,
Around 250 affiliates and subsidiaries use the Trump name
Starlink affillited businesses:
Bezos businesses:
But we will see. I cannot imagine turning the USA into a tyranny will go without resistance.
Nothing from the media, nothing from the democrats and nothing from the people..
Can't wait to see him gone...
Meawhile Americans. Pull yourselves together, rid yourselves and your country of the shame... show some backbone. The Emperor is Naked and you know it!
What are you, mice or Men?
They already lost the psy war.
The only ones that could save the US from dictatorship are judges, rebels within the Army and some Congressmen. And even so...the plan is well thought.
Many are still operating under the old paradigm of democracy. However, there has been a shift to the authoritarian regime under which we are already suffering. Who is leading?
How do you think Poland got rid of Communism? We went on strike. Despite having it worse than you guys in the USA now.
Why are previous POTUS so silent?
Are they ALL complicit?
Probably many understood what's going on but the know how to fight it is in Moscow