And there's that terrifying Windows Recall stuff that uses AI to scan everything you do. They really want this to happen, the modern day successors of Cardinal Richelieu need their six billion lines to hang whoever is inconvenient.
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Every new PC, not just laptops, sold after 2024 will likely have the NPU silicon required for Windows Recall. Good luck turning it off if Microsoft really wants it on.
Windows recall was delayed and most likely, if it ships, you will be able to deactivate it. It's a Huge company security risk and companies won't stand for it. Don't worry
If they ever made it mandatory, we would have companies openly saying they are moving to Linux
It sucks so much and they were trying so hard to jump in on the AI fad that they haven't been able to even get it off the ground again, don't bother waiting for it to arrive. Not that anyone wants it, that's just fads for you.
Idk who thought of the genius idea for recall but it's very funny how this didn't come up for them.
Also, their point would be to run LLMs locally like Phi3-Small and Mini but they probably think it's immature still due to bad NPU sdks on most if not all NPU out there.
While the AI is flop, Copilot+ PCs is a great idea / way to see which ones are next gen PCs. All copikot+ have at least decent battery life unlike older Intel and AMD chips. Plus, minimum 16GB!! It means you can't be scalped for more RAM. At least on entry level devices.
The thing is in the corporate world things like Recall are not exactly unknown. There are loads of nearly as intrusive third party telemetry on the typical corporate Windows desktop. They would stand for it if Microsoft gave them the keys.
On home computers they'll obfuscate the process and reactivate it with every update, in line with the rest of Microsoft's spyware. They need our data to train their models, they're going to try and pry it from us tooth and nail.
If they ever made it mandatory, we would have companies openly saying they are moving to Linux
Also, their point would be to run LLMs locally like Phi3-Small and Mini but they probably think it's immature still due to bad NPU sdks on most if not all NPU out there.