Growing, My family and I used to catch largemouth bass and cook large mouth bass. This was fairly normal for my family and in my town. They always tasted pretty good too!! It wasn't till I got online that I realized that bass fishermen hate people who eat bass. (Continued)
I honestly don't understand the hate for it. It's a game fish and are fun to catch, totally understand that. I also don't have anything against, catch and release either! I do a bit of both honestly, especially for trout.
But like I don't see any reason to hate people who catch and eat them either. I'm kinda a stickler for the rule too. A lot of places where I fish protect bass that are between the lengths of 12-18 inches, which leaves a lot of the good fighting big bass!
And like that size limit, it kinda takes care of most criticism of eating bass, which helps keep the monsters alive to reproduce.
I love all sorts of fishing, bass, catfish, trout, etc! I think it's really fun to target different species of fish, it's like a challenge!!!