this album has some sparkling production, like obviously the singles are good fun (Big Time goes especially hard) but they betray how texturally expansive So can be
That Voice Again and Red Rain are so expensive and gigantic -- it sounds like the Phillip Johnson AT&T Building converted into sound
Also there is the appropriation of african rhythms that were in vogue at the time, and Peter Gabriel does it less problematically than, say, Paul Simon bc of his uplifting of artists he worked with, but its still complicated listening to it in 2025 (though that's rich coming from me, a huge weeb)
weird al was my gateway to popular music which I was equally interested in and terrified of as a child, for complicated reasons. I don't think I owned any CDs that weren't him or random classical/jazz recordings until daft punk discovery and gorillaz self-titled.
That Voice Again and Red Rain are so expensive and gigantic -- it sounds like the Phillip Johnson AT&T Building converted into sound