there's something beautiful about non-Japanese people making gyaru porn. fetishizing a largely outdated subculture from a different country, encountered never in real life and only through the mediums of anime and hentai
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I have mixed feelings on gyaru porn. I find the extremes a bit ridiculous, but there's nothing wrong with a nice girl with a fake tan, chemical hair, and long fake fingernails. On the other hand, i really hate how every bimbofication thread on /d/ is overrun with them! It's not the same!
About 10 years when I was into j-fashion I knew a lotta white girls who'd dress in gyaru, which left things oddly cyclical to have a white girl dressing up like a japanese girl dressing in their perception of a white valley girl. It's some plato's cave kinda stuff, shadows of shadows on the wall.
Gyaru pilot feels expected, gyaru handler feels... thematically appropriate. I need to do some research deep dives to properly express how I feel that way. Something about seeking visual distinction as act of rebellion and the commercialization of subcultures.
The gyaru handler then becomes both demonization of difference, as she engages in acts of violence and subjugation against another's sense of self in a way that becomes visual by material symbols, and a symbol of how to make your differences tolerable by subordination of the self to empire.
Her rebellion permitted, as long as she is useful. Her belonging to a subculture that rebels by self-otherization becomes useful in allowing onlookers to not question if they could do her job. She is the symbol of the chain of bootfucking, collaboration, taking abuse to survive and passing it on.
gyaru handler texting on her flip phone totally ignoring your detailed multi-page mission spoken report that she told you to write/give (you understand that you will be severely berated if you do not follow through)
you also understand that if you point out the fact that her uniform is DEFINITELY not up to company code then something far far worse then berating is in store for you
what is mechsploitation but the romanticization and hyper-exaggeration of the power dynamics that capitalism enforces upon us anyways (lots of things, but also very much that)
i think the main thing is that unfortunately real life managers will never reward you with disinterested unenthusiastic bootjobs or whatever unless something is seriously wrong with where you are working
"Oh come now, you're still giving me that crap? The machine doesn't lie. You know it doesn't. You're just scared of the danger of not being able to do... This... Anymore."
"Oh this? Well, we want to accelerate the process, augmenting your pilosebaceous units as optical signalling... That's... Hair follacles. The pigment is arbitrary. My own preference."
"What if my hair falls out?"
"Your hair is not going to fall out. Keep still while I shampoo you."
"Your braincells were made receptive to particular frequencies and timings of light your skull is transparent to. Basically, this coating lets me direct the signal down with less noise. Look into the light."
I think a gyaru handler who force-gyarufies their pilot would be hot as fuck. Especially if the pilot feels deep embarrassment as they trudge past the other pilots with their spray tan and over the top makeup
Someone looking at their file, seeing a normal pilot, looking up and seeing the sweaty humiliated disaster of a girl thing, and wondering if there's a filing error
both are really good methinks though I'm personally interested in the dissonance you could invoke with an imperial gyaru pilot...girl who values the feeling of buying new press-on nails more than every life in the civilian center she's about to pulverize
i just think it's hot and aspirational when a woman is flashy and confident and passionate in both her fashion and attitude. the tf end of it is just a bonus.
Ironically, it's debatably happened several times over with Western aesthetics in Japanese and East Asian culture to a point where it's standard. Maid cafes, That's maid cafes
It wasn't built that way. They keep trying to repaint it, but the AI refuses to let them.
"Girls night."
"But I'm.. I'm a boy.."
"Oh come now, you're still giving me that crap? The machine doesn't lie. You know it doesn't. You're just scared of the danger of not being able to do... This... Anymore."
*sigh* "I'm going to burn that thing."
"Oh this? Well, we want to accelerate the process, augmenting your pilosebaceous units as optical signalling... That's... Hair follacles. The pigment is arbitrary. My own preference."
"What if my hair falls out?"
"Your hair is not going to fall out. Keep still while I shampoo you."
"Your braincells were made receptive to particular frequencies and timings of light your skull is transparent to. Basically, this coating lets me direct the signal down with less noise. Look into the light."
"The wh... Oh... Uh..."
"Sshhhhh... Head empty. No thoughts... Just smooooooth brain...."
"Smooth whauh?"
"Just smoooth brain"
"smmm...mooooth... aaiin..."
The power of someone so confident in what would be humiliating to others is instead how they draw confidence.
They impart the embarrassment of the violation of social contract onto others.