I know it’s like we need a fucking miracle and seeing the remaining states be red… it just isn’t fucking looking good and I hate it. I’m literally a white woman and I’m terrified and I know there’s minority groups that will have it way worse
technically the whole point of the song was that the Lego people were brainwashed by their authoritarian leader into thinking everything was awesome when, in fact, everything was not awesome 🤓☝🏻
They tried to warn us but we didn't have the eyes to see 😔
You know, is Business was ten times more evil
Only reason Mr Business lost power was through violence.
*insert that one scene of patchy the pirate throwing out his SpongeBob items cuz I couldn't find it*
And this is one people just have to endure
I hope you stay safe 🫂
They tried to warn us but we didn't have the eyes to see 😔