*Because bad design is literally killing you*
Like your appendix, most Fortune 500 executives think design is a useless evolutionary leftover – right until it ruptures and sends toxic mediocrity coursing through their corporate bloodstream.
*Because bad design is literally killing you*
Like your appendix, most Fortune 500 executives think design is a useless evolutionary leftover – right until it ruptures and sends toxic mediocrity coursing through their corporate bloodstream.
- In the inflamed spaces between "Ship it now, design it later" and "Why is our churn rate exploding?"
- Within organizations experiencing acute design appendicitis: symptoms include customer rage tweets, plummeting NPS, and employees quietly updating their LinkedIn profiles
1. Emergency Design Surgery: Rushing in when your product experience has ruptured and is poisoning your entire customer base
3. Corporate Gut Health: Maintaining a healthy balance of innovation bacteria while fighting off the parasites of "We've always done it this way"
Just like an inflamed appendix can drop you to your knees in screaming agony, bad design can bring your billion-dollar company to the emergency room faster than you can say "our users will get used to it."