He certainly wouldn't try to pass off pedophile's as minor attracted individuals. And, I'm sure he'd agree there are only to sexes. It's insane crap like that, that proves people of faith made the right choice.
You first do not know ancient history. Secondly, you don’t seem to account for all of the actual pedophiles like priests, deacons, or the 93.6% of men who rape. 57% of which are white men. Save your stupidity or every time you think of typing another word, punch yourself in the face.
Except you have part of that completely backwards. It is the Republicans who support child marriage, and conservatives who routinely cover up child sex abuse. Everyone else understands the need for higher age of consent laws... and consent itself, for that matter. Have a seat.
Let no one try to ever say that the Nazis were officially atheist: from plank 24 of their platform “The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination.”
As far as your other point, you’re not a biologist, are you? Go learn something, don’t resist.
Maybe you’re just old like Trump and stuck in that pre-civil rights time warp?