PROTIP: if you suspect there are concealed Amazon devices in a space, clearly enunciate “Alexa, fart.”
One of the most beautiful moments you can have in a smart home is saying that and listening to every connected device erupt in flatulence.
One of the most beautiful moments you can have in a smart home is saying that and listening to every connected device erupt in flatulence.
I'm asking b/c I'm probably going to start doing this now & there's this one idiot I can't stand that if it turns out she keeps something like that in her purse, I want it to power fart after she leaves the area.
Google: "This is a fart:" [fart noise]
Siri: "Nope."
ask it what time it was if she woke up confused in the dark,
instead of yelling for whichever kid was taking care of her,
and have it call for one of us to help her.
because surveillance and advertising uses are both bad,
but at her place and later my sister's place it was hugely helpful.
And we could filter who it could call as her dementia got worse.
(Also omg. She keeps going and going…)