Ohhh I see! That's lovely I didn't think it would be :0 I wish I could justify buying it but the only thing I want is the hat and. Viera player :,) glad to see you're living the pink zero hat dream
he loses the original hat that he got from nanamo during the bloody banquet and temporarily wears this one until he's able to recover it. he does spend the first part of heavensward hat-less though
only one of these is upscaled for his body type rn but i find it endlessly funny that his outfit Immediately stops being as extravagant when u get to stormblood because hes using the og glam that i made for him....im too attached to it
i dont have a shadowbringers fit for him yet, and i Kinda have an endwalker one but im still on the fence about it, but post-endwalker onwards he drops the pink entirely. the death of pink drink and the birth of matching old man yaoi