Even as someone who LIKES Helluva I have no hope going into next season (I say this as I huff the copium that I get a crumb of ChazMox as recompense for having to sit through Stolitz drama I Do Not Care For and the fear of Millie getting shafted)
the way it’s been left off is looking like Millie’s gonna get shafted whichever choice she makes which makes me SO sad cuz she’s my favourite character :’) i only kinda started caring about Stolitz after Blitzø showed that he actually GAF BUT LULU… ISN’T CHAZZ ERMM ⚰️
[Peter Griffin Voice] I did not care for Stolitz at any point. (Nothing against those who love it tho)
ALSO You’re talking to the person who held out hope for Dennis/Yuya for TWO YEARS despite the odds and look who got ep 144 B) I know Chaz’s VA confirmed he’s going to be in AT LEAST one more ep so
ALSO You’re talking to the person who held out hope for Dennis/Yuya for TWO YEARS despite the odds and look who got ep 144 B) I know Chaz’s VA confirmed he’s going to be in AT LEAST one more ep so
ALSO DW i understand u