Many federal workers are unable to get unemployment benefits because of the wording of their firings, and others are uncertain whether they can seek new jobs.
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Destroying people's lives to own the libs. It's almost as cruel as watching your child die of a curable disease because you refuse them preventive care. Oh well. This is America.
Cars, Rockets, Buildings, appliances, or humans. For trump & Musk, they are all the same - viewed & treated as commodities. Traded, rented or used, then discarded when no longer useful to them.
Sorry Post, this should have been apparent ages ago, when the govt probationary employee all got emails saying they were being fired for not meeting standards when, in fact, they were being fired because Musk is a mental case with delusions of competence
I'll tell you what if unemployment is stupid enough not to see this for what it is shame on them, Oh wait does Trump have his people in there too!! If this wasn't so sad it would be stupid never funny.😡😟😢
To the politicians: not one more dime in donations until a congressman or senator has dodge drumpf and pusk arrested for illegal activities and destroying the lives of people.
The oligarchs like Jeff Bezos, Musk, the Koch’s, Zuckerberg want the working class to be so poor that we are too busy surviving to notice they are stealing & destroying our democracy for their insatiable greed. Bezos is only rich because we used to buy from his shitty Amazon. Boycott the SOB.
Yes! Drive up views on all HONEST media W LIKE, MAGA lies DISLIKE!
Remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary & expenses!
Trump & Elon also paid by taxpayers + their grifts $$$.
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And let’s add that Bezos, the owner of this publication, chose not to endorse Kamala because, like Trump & Musk, he’s wealthy AF and none of these issues concern him.
Let’s say the obvious quiet parts aloud: neither Trump nor Musk are astute business people. They equally fuck over, waste and have lost millions. But hey! It’s a tax write off for them, not us.
Unbelievable how the results of the Musk purge continues to hurt the dedicated Federal Workforce! In a perfect world Musk would go bankrupt and see how hard it is to survive in a billionaire controlling world!!!
#Elon is a clear and present danger to marine life and humans alike. Deport the South African Mad Hatter and renounce his U.S. Citizenship as he’s simply UnAmerican. 🇿🇦
Why am I not surprised. He always finds a way to screw the little guy. The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act for example begins raising the tax rates for the middle income folks this year...even if it gets extended.
There are videos of those same veterans who are angry as hell but say that they would still vote for him even knowing how they’re being treated. At this point it is a cuck kink.
Today’s tip, one should be getting into see their physicians ASAP, staying up-to-date with your medical regime. Get on the calendar for FOLLOW UP visits now. Get vaccines, rural hospitals are gonna be hit the hardest. I foresee a surge and extremely long wait times to see your doctor
When is the civil disobedience going to start. There must be quite a few senior police/military officials getting concerned as how this is going to proceed. If thhey have any sense of morality they sure will be getting compromised as how to take future action.
I forgot to add. They can't use the excuse 'I was only following orders', that doesn't wash anymore when it comes to the subsequent criminality trials.
This is not true. There needs to be proof of poor performance not just a single letter saying it. They may get an initial denial depending on how the employer classifies the termination but without proof the employees will win on appeal.
Instead of thoughtfully, and in a planned way, modernizing government and cutting it where it needs to be, Musk takes an approach as if he bought a start up and is laying off everyone. He doesn’t have a clue. He’s in way over his head. This is the job of Congress but they’re cowering from Trump.
The executive is responsible for the executive branch, not congress.
Elon doesn't have the authority or the power to fire anyone. He simply advises.
The more I look into it, the more I see most of those jobs are not needed for the government to function.
The rush to offload what has traditionally been the most important asset of a company or business-- its people-- is really worrisome. A bad indicator of management abandoning creativity and innovation in favor of mere "business as usual."
My fired by email daughter’s supervisor was also fired by email so there’s no one to process her unemployment claims. Her toddler needs food. The mortgage needs to be paid. Losing half of their income is devastating to a young couple.
This may be a deliberate effort by the government to reduce spending or an implementation loophole that has left many federal workers in limbo.If an employee is unsure if they can look for a new job, this may involve contract terms, severance policies that
What makes them "stupid sheep"? The fact they rightly portray Apartheid Clyde as a Nazi? Because he is a Nazi. No one who espouses white nationalist propaganda and gives not one but TWO Nazi salutes could ever be called anything less.
Now run along and play with your ding-a-ling, doofus.
That’s not what I meant. Brit’s, unlike Americans, aren’t intimidated by their politicians and speak the truth about them, good or bad. Not here and def not about this administration.
Given musk’s and trump’s historical behavior with their own companies, this was not unintentional and they don’t care. They are both sociopaths and psychopaths imo.
When you are working under trump you HAVE, ARE and WILL be screwed over leaving you holding the bag like he has done for all his business and workers thought out his life. He is a con artist. This was done by design. Spread the word. Have them ALL call DOGE, Republican and gov phone ### every day.
Why would people trust this government or any future government? Why would you give it your all only to be betrayed? Why join the army only for it to throw you away like your nothing when you end up disable in the line of duty? They have shown you that they will betray you in a second.
They should all sue. The firing was illegal. The reason why people take federal work is not for the pay but for the job security. This is a major back stab by the Republican government. Just like they stab veterans that have given their all for this country. This only teaches not to trust the Gov.
Let’s hope that none of them voted for the other orange banana ... if some did, many of the less well-off will disappoint, alas ... Always be wary of promises and always know where you are ...
We do indeed have a "deep state". It is a testament to the enduring strength of the U.S. government—deep in expertise, commitment to stability, and in safeguarding democracy. It’s built on institutional knowledge and resilience. A pillar of our society, not a nefarious force.
I don't think the right voted for this type of behavior. It's unprofessional, haphazard and cruel. Is this what doge, trump and maga stand for? Cruel, thoughtless juvenile behavior from people who don't have to earn a living or worry about how they will pay their bills. Shameful & disgusting!
I had this discussion the other day w a Trumper & said is this what you want your little boy to admire? You want him to grow up to be this kind of man? To treat women this way? To hurt families this way? To think cruelty and creating fear is funny? That addiction is deserved? Deserting family is ok?
#2A is coming for them.
Please email them the same notice firing them that they have sent other departments probationary staff.
Remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary & expenses!
Trump & Elon also paid by taxpayers + their grifts $$$.
Find your congressional representatives, email & phone.
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Elon doesn't have the authority or the power to fire anyone. He simply advises.
The more I look into it, the more I see most of those jobs are not needed for the government to function.
Now run along and play with your ding-a-ling, doofus.
If I described without context some of the horrible images I saw from the right about President Obama, I would be banned from here immediately.
The government is supposed to take care of those who run the machinery of that keeps the country afloat.
FElon Musk will be blamed after this nightmare ends...
With all the federal employees being fired, forced into unemployment, how will they be able to pay their monthly home loan and/or rent?
One thing is for sure, it will definitely crash the housing and rental markets!
This is market manipulation. This is evil.