Surprised to (very belatedly) discover Deathloop’s omission. Presumably it’s because not a lot of people played Deathloop, but the kick in that game might be the quintessential comedy punt. Maybe it can make the next around alongside Shadows.
Deathloop's kicks are helped by how often they take place right after a mook saying something like, "Boy, I sure do love pissing off this very high roof, hope Cole isn't around." And then there's that sick guitar twang when enemies die. It's good kickfeel.
Absolutely, and it’s also the perfect initiator for the Rube Goldberg machines of slapstick violence you can setup. Time to kick this man into a trap that will set off a series of detonations that launch him and 3 other people bound to him directly to Mars.
I have a weakness for murking dudes in very stupid ways.