Everyone did their whole reflection on 2024 posts, and I forgot to do mine in time, but mostly because I was extremely miserable all year, and tbh I'm not doing much better now.
I've never felt a deeper sense of total, utter loneliness as I did this past year, and it's still extremely pervasive.
I've never felt a deeper sense of total, utter loneliness as I did this past year, and it's still extremely pervasive.
I'm still fucking angry, but for entirely different reasons now. I'm so angry at men. At these old and saggy monsters who so joyfully manipulate people for the sake of their wealth and power. I'm so angry at the parents who
I'M ashamed. I'm so mad at myself for falling for this for so long. For never questioning a thing until long after I hurt so many people because of it. For being