I relate so hard to this lol I have a 5e campaign going on that I just started in my new homebrew setting and I'm already getting campaign ideas for future games in this setting
We're nearly finished with Secrets of the Ancients. My guess is 1 or 2 sessions left. I need to stay focused to make sure this bad-boy gets the ending it deserves and I'm ready for whatever my players and their dice do.
But at the same time... I keep eying that Cthulhu by Gaslight stuff...
I hope your players don't end up joining 7. That feels like the stereotypical "bad end" anticlimax of a JRPG. I mean it's valid but also feels like a slap in the face.
I honestly don't know how they'll go. One thing I know is that one of my players has a thing where he always and completely trusts the worst person to trust and will never ever trust the NPC he should. Then he's shocked and angry the obvious villain was bad. He nearly killed them all in Ch4.
But at the same time... I keep eying that Cthulhu by Gaslight stuff...