Depends on where you are. I'm in NYC so I know ICE is coming for immigrants. I hope I can join in people resisting that. Got a shithead mayor, and shitheads looking to replace him, so there's that. Find people.
Location, skills, resources - all of that you know better than us. As someone in the ed policy space, I've been encouraging parents to get involved with their schools - because there's going to be a lot of challenges, budgetary and otherwise.
But "find people, build a community" is often step 1.
certainly things are going to get harder, and you know the ways they’re going to get harder but not the details. work on getting organized now so that when shit hits the fan you have people around you who are ready and *able* to provide support.
learn what skills your friends have. maybe you’re worried about food prices going up; one of your friends might be someone who knows mutual aid distros or how to do intense meal prep. maybe you’re worried about HRT; maybe one of your friends has done DIY before and they can talk you through it.
the only way we get through this is together and the main way to make yourself stop spiraling (at least in my case) is to say to yourself “I know someone who can help me with that”
(also a good way to get connected w these people is via radical political orgs; maybe you can join a DSA chapter in your city if you don’t know a lot of people, I met a ton of incredible organizers and friends that way)
(not to say it’s unreasonable to doom spiral but I don’t think it’s productive and when social media is just “we’re all so fucked” it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy a little bit)
Shit has been so much worse for like 99.9% of human history. We really do need to hold our shit together if we expect to ever accomplish anything going forward.
But "find people, build a community" is often step 1.