Day two recap!
First game - Gloomspite Gitz with Kragnos, 18 Troggs, Goppapalooza, Fungoid Shaman and Krondspine.
Troggs won Prio and got to double me, it is what it is. Nabbed points where I could, but the matchup was just bad. 30-40 loss.
First game - Gloomspite Gitz with Kragnos, 18 Troggs, Goppapalooza, Fungoid Shaman and Krondspine.
Troggs won Prio and got to double me, it is what it is. Nabbed points where I could, but the matchup was just bad. 30-40 loss.
So I ended up playing just a filler game against a friend with TO's army...Sons of Behenat with Kragnos.
Third Kragnos of the weekend. I was really not feeling it.