Can't wait to see how much more they add to this figure in the next four years. After all, they did buy this government, and the convict owes them. This is what "Citizens United" was all about.
1.6% of the US population identifies as transgender. 3.3% of the US population is undocumented immigrants. The average income of top 1%=$788,000. An increase of 2% tax on them will raise= $47,300,000,000. Instead of attacking the rights of a fraction of the population, raise taxes on the top 1%.
And none of them give a rats ass about the average joe. It’s like a game of who can amass the most and keep it all to themselves and pay no taxes. Heartbreaking.
If they were charitable at all like Morgan Carnegie and Rockefeller were the public would probably be ok with it. But they’re building bunkers and trying to gut the middle class for even more. They’re greedy and people are angry about it.
Thieving bastards
The tax code can correct that