I just watched Red Dawn again this weekend and I always liked William Smith. He was always an amazing bad guy/person of authority in 70s and 80s TV shows.
When you consider the pantheon of well respected thespians who can convincingly speak Russian, I am shocked and dismayed you would disregard the inimitable Nikolai Volkoff, former mat great. So convincing. I’m not at all being facetious.
The movie "Die Laughing" was something I adored in the 80s. There's a "Russian" character, "Zhukov" that I fell in love with. Played by Samuel Krachmalnick, an American conductor. 💕
I went digging to confirm this was the movie I thought it was (and I was right!) but I realized after the fact that I'd been unconsciously expecting the parade behind him to be playing "We'll Follow the Old Man" from White Christmas.
Now rewatching in its entirety to seek crossover opportunities in numbers such as "Sisters" and "Count Your Blessings". Oh, and "White Christmas", duh.
Moscow on the Hudson was a brilliant movie with brilliant performances by Robin and Elya Baskin (who is brilliant in everything.) An under appreciated gem! People- watch it if you can!
Given that Werner Klemperer was born in Cologne, the son of the world-famous German conductor Otto Klemperer, it's not too surprising he could sound German.
Yes, and did you know that he was in Godfather II in a minor role. He played an FBI agent. I worked in Kentucky for a few years near where he grew up - Irvine. Much later he had a major role in the HBO series Big Love.
Back when this was released, it was considered conservative propaganda. Now it seems like a recipe for hope to resist our own government. That's not a good sign.
“Everyone get off the street”
I respect it.
"Mine or yours?"