If these men are harmed, it's on Trump.
He's a psychopath
That's exactly what trump wants: to have them killed.
Trump is a sociopath: not only he has no empathy, but he enjoys hurting people he loathes.
They know stuff. LOTS of stuff. 😬
It's not like ANYONE is gonna hold him responsible.
All the pussy judges he was before never even CONSIDERED taking away HIS protection detail.
And the FACT still remains....
The switchboard will transfer you to anyone regardless of your district. Leave messages! Congressmen, Senators, committee chairs!
At this rate, America’s rock bottom is a bottomless pit.
Isn’t that the plea behind the threat of terrorism?
Are we common citizens expendable while special individuals get protection?
That’s why Eric Adams and other mayors have security.
You may find this of interest:
Trump & anyone who helped with removing their PROTECTIONS should be
for assisting helping Iran do whatever harm is done!
That's been Trump's MO his whole life, He makes his wishes clearly known without directly asking for what he wants, and both Trump and his employees know what they're supposed to do. He gets what he wants and has no legal liability.
That’s just sick & psychotic.
The whole point of authoritarianism is to put everyone on notice: "hey, it's me and my goons, better look over your shoulders."
I think he enjoys it.
Kim Jong Un famously executed political opponents by having them stand in a field and firing artillery at them. I suspect one of the things that Trump regrets is that he cannot do the same.
See Covid 19 for precedent.
Our voters are 47-48% stone-hearted deplorables.
Trump is so despicable to have pulled their security details.
2 birds, 1 stone.
That's the problem...
(You can spin this round and round in your head, really!)
On USAians. Each and every USAian.
Respondeat Superior and all that.
Trump is employed by USAians in a temporary government employee positions.
USAians need to start acting like it.
He is a sociopath.
The fact you even say "it's on Trump.." tells me you haven't fully digested what a misanthrope Trump really is.
Presidential Medal 🎖️ of
Freedom 🤔👏👏👏👏👍
Amendment 25 time...
Remember that SCOTUS gave him essentially "carte blanche" on the immunity front for the sins he will commit as president...
If Trump was to do something competent about Iran that would be a good outcome. It won't happen, lol.
Will the public do anything about it? They had their chance and blew it!
Do I sound angry? Damn straight!
Donald Trump is going to hell.