When I said "read Orwell" I meant "Politics and the English Language" and "What is Fascism?"
Also, On Self Respect by Joan Didion.
Thank you, Mrs. Matthews! And sorry I was such a cocky jackass.
But given the Republican Party's post Goldwater turn towards "national greatness" and undoing civil rights for minorities, calling them "fascists" isn't quite crudely employing a generic swear.
--George Orwell, Politics and the English Language
That seems to be more "Stuart Chase and others" worry from reading it.
“Remain sufficiently vague.”
Well, actually it is just what I needed but I am loathe to admit it.
Well, actually I suppose I just admitted it and through these statements have proven it true.
Now I must more carefully read the treatise. I’m foiled at every turn.
It’s 5 o’clock.
Have a drink.
Have 2.
As an Irishman, however, I strongly suggest Americans should also pay attention to this Orwell essay👇. It describes a skill that has apparently been forgotten in the US. A precursor to the death of US liberalism.
They say it’s terrorism.