Holy Godzilla, I never believed this day would come
I can get my gender marker updated without needing surgery! AND I can get non-binary set as my gender
I'm actually crying a little right now, forcing trans/non-binary folks to undergo surgery just to update their gender is cruel
About damn time!
I can get my gender marker updated without needing surgery! AND I can get non-binary set as my gender
I'm actually crying a little right now, forcing trans/non-binary folks to undergo surgery just to update their gender is cruel
About damn time!
But this is still news I've been hoping to hear for years, even before I transitioned, it's worth celebrating
It'll happen, I just want to get my paperwork moving as soon as possible
Been wanting to do this for 7 years now
I'm also really glad this bill also repeals anti-sex worker laws
There's still a LONG way to go, but this is proof shit can get better if we don't stop fighting
This is the best early birthday present ever 💜