the gouverment of the united states of russomerica has decided to protect his members of the dangerous believe of free speech. Praise his fartness.
Me too!! Only 6 weeks on and I’m already hungry! You get virtually nothing for 3 x’s the prices! I’m too sick for this f’n insanity!
Living below poverty level, ok! I accept that with 3 dozen dx.’s that I am unable to pull in the bucks but damn…
I won’t make it 6 months. There’s millions like me!😳
Låter vettigt. Som svensk undrar man hur amerikanerna kunde tänka sig att rösta på honom igen? Fast det är ju så få som röstar och usa har så konstigt sätt att räkna. Svårt att kalla det demokrati? Hoppas verkligen hela landet tar sig samman. Så ni kan komma ur starkare. I demokratins synvinkel.
So right! Though it's interesting how people think Canada not Mexico. I think this shows some anti-LantinX bias. We must always be on guard against the systemic bias that has tentacles in us.
You know Trudeau is resigning and can be a “custodian” with help from Pete Buttigieg Maybe they can put it all back together again and sprinkle a little healthcare for all in there this time. Get it all primed for a new president in a couple years. lol.
Me too! Our current 2 guardians seem to *allegedly* have substance abuse issues & are not intellectually or emotionally equipped to lead our very large family. Canada seems more than up to the task.
Today, Friday is about Justin's. Last day. The new liberal leader comes in on Sunday. But at least he's Bright, you can't be the head of the bank of the United Kingdom for 7 years and be an a****** with economics. Hello Donald, hello old man
I jokingly made the comment we could have ‘state sponsors’. Not quite a colony, but more like a power of attorney while some education happens. European Education is so much better.
It’s social engineering to the lowest common denominator of hate and ignorance for sure, but a diverse education with resources for all can eradicate a lot of that. It may take a generation or two, but as is, they seem to be ok with authoritarian rule.
Living below poverty level, ok! I accept that with 3 dozen dx.’s that I am unable to pull in the bucks but damn…
I won’t make it 6 months. There’s millions like me!😳
This nightmare is nightmarin' to hard!
Ps. Sorry forget that, he is not eligible as he does not wear a suit.
No sympathy for the ones who did and are already paying the price for it. Oops. Too late now.
trump's voice gives me hives.
All Americans. Damn him.