Trump is a bully and Starmer must resist becoming his sidekick, I warn in the Indy
That means stronger trade relationships with the EU
And especially joining the EU Customs Union
That means stronger trade relationships with the EU
And especially joining the EU Customs Union
Against Independence!!!!
Lots of people have their identity wrapped up in this bad decision, so it's going to take a lot of work to unravel the Brexit infestation.
I know the UK Green Party's views on the SM have been in flux, and are now much more welcoming to it. So perhaps it is time for you to go the whole hog here?
Are you saying that this is not so?
Well, it seems like there's room for you and @hesgen and others to have a bit of a chat on this. I was firmly told that, for UKGP, the SM in its current form is no longer a bar to GP seeking A49 membership.
The former policy,…
… in its (may I say) naïveté over SM and A49, was why I moved on from GP.
If the GP still does not support A49 including SM, we really do need to know that.
Does the UKGP now support a Art49 application and membership of the SM as it currently works?