It’s a politicians duty to enact the will of the people…
Democrats better start tapping in to what the people are actually demanding of them..
The people are pissed at Chuck because that’s not what they wanted, nor did he get a single fucking thing in return for his votes..
That’s shit Politics..
Democrats better start tapping in to what the people are actually demanding of them..
The people are pissed at Chuck because that’s not what they wanted, nor did he get a single fucking thing in return for his votes..
That’s shit Politics..
Our political system will remain broken until we deal with all the insider trading and egregious lobbying.
people been telling you the Democrats are on the same team the whole time, this is what they meant
begging for 3rd party support for decades because the entire point of the Democrats is to be JUST good enough for people to think there's choice
like what the fuck do you think you're watching happen right now? Resistance?
It's them going along with what was the plan the whole fucking time
They answer to AIPAC and the highest bidding corporations, just like the republcians
you wanna feel like you're on the winning team. you wanna feel morally and intellectually superior to the Republicans
guess what?
that exactly why they are the way they are
you're literally no different. you're not resisting shit til you admit it
I'd rather not see a bunch of other people suffer under their own stupidity tho
And I suppose it's a personal frustration of just like, why can't you just get it?
Are you watching yourself be stupid and can't stop? Or do you think you're being smart?
lemme know if you wanna grab a beer and talk about it
don't mean to be harsh but you seem to care but you're hurting more than helping at this point
it's only impossible to you because you're a dumbass and want to pick the path you see already
I understand it sounds impossible right now, but I assure you that is your ignorance
would you rather feel sad and hopeless and smart or happy and hopeful and stupid?
you're an idiot that picked the bad guys and became a bad guy
you can fix that, but only if you wind it way back
like how are you not getting this by now?
like seriously how in the fuck you tryna rep Boston and you're on here like "waaaaaah Democrats save me"
stop being a bitch and a dumbass