Someone I know said “I’d rather have another Civil War than another Holocaust” and that statement has been haunting me for the past week.
Reposted from Julian Sanchez
If & when the “let them enforce it” Rubicon is crossed, I have trouble seeing a plausible chain of events that doesn’t conclude with either Trump’s forcible removal or acquiescence to openly lawless autocratic rule, & either one is basically the end of anything resembling normal liberal democracy.


I think a lot of us have been thinking this, that a civil war is a horror beyond belief, something that one must avoid, something that is to evil to consider
and yet here we are
& Daily Mail just listing photos of black woman who work for the government now - straight up threats
Been thinking a lot lately about this line from Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address:

"Both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came."
A national political divorce solves all kinds of problems.

Just sayin’
A Civil War means someone fought back. I'd rather have a Civil War, too.