1. We, Ukrainians, want to live.
2. We want to live in our sovereign independent state. Not russia.
3. We want to have our cultural identity and language. Not russian.
4. We want to decide our own future.
And russia has no legal or moral right to deny us any of this.
2. We want to live in our sovereign independent state. Not russia.
3. We want to have our cultural identity and language. Not russian.
4. We want to decide our own future.
And russia has no legal or moral right to deny us any of this.
Слава Україні, Slava Ukraini
You can't make peace with an entity that wants you eradicated.
Peace is unacceptable to current russia.
For us peace means death, oppression, slavery.
2. It was never about NATO.
The russia treats us as a breakaway colony that must be subdued and punished for daring to live freely, and anyone who supports russia supports colonialism and genocide.