Because I use it as a means of communicating with family & people who have been, and still are, important to me. I don't use it to get information. I use it to disseminate facts. Like the use of a car, my use of FB is functional. It's the only META app I use. People are welcome to boycott longer
100%, but the only people using Facebook at this point are your Grandma who thinks it’s Google, your racist Uncle, and your dipshit Cousin who keeps posting about how the Earth is flat.
It'll be interesting to see how long the EU can stand up to Meta, there's no way they can allow the changes Zuckerberg made to suck up to Trump here! 🤔🇪🇺
This is quite old, just look up Cambridge Analytica.
Facebook was IMO an upgraded Microsoft Passport which was created to collect your profile data for dissemination. Its why MS was guiding them from the beginning.
That's like protesting against the oil companies by refusing to buy gas on Sunday, but making sure you topped off your tank on Saturday night.
Facebook was IMO an upgraded Microsoft Passport which was created to collect your profile data for dissemination. Its why MS was guiding them from the beginning.
Facebook is arguably the best in the world at this.
Those same tools can be used to sort the public into "Übermensch" and "Untermensch".