It’s so deeply upsetting. I’m used to being dismissed (grew up liberal and a woman in TX), but this was on another level. People around me are so surprised, and also not acknowledging at all that I told them this would happen.
I tried to read the project 2025 manual. I really did. It seemed as realistic as “Dianetics” and even harder to digest. Hard to accept that they have gelded every Republican in congress and many of the democrats as well.
I (and about 5 out of 300 ish of my friends) were screaming about this all last summer over on Facebook, right up until the election. We were ignored and shunned. I lost relationships. And here we are. And our electeds keep acting surprised by what's happening. I am so full of rage.
And the majority of white people still believe Project 2025 and whatever President Musk is doing will not hurt them. It will hurt the people they hate. This gay boy can’t wait to tell them I told you you what was going to happen. And you wouldn’t listen. 🤬🤬
Over the last couple of years, I'd ask people "so, do you plan to stay here or leave if the fascists win?" and was usually met with a smile suggesting that I was nothing other than an alarmist. People were nice about it, but it was clear no one thought it would happen.
Those same people are being deceived by the media to think that nothing really out of the ordinary is happening. Knowledge is power, but it's also feels like a curse.
It would have taken the wildest leap of imagination. I mean, I knew it would be bad but this is simply beyond any stretch. And I guess there’s more to come only I’m still limited by my imagination.
My hair has been on fire for a long time. Friends and family rolled their eyes. One by one they have apologized. Oddly, I take no pleasure in being right.
Tina Peters of CO handed over the voting software to the my pillow guy’s buddy and they posted it to GitHub.
Does that sound secure to you?
People are still too comfortable to be interested in making that effort. 😓
Wish I was wrong tho