The funny thing about this comment is that it doesn’t really matter what he wore. When the GOP machine doesn’t like you, their comments are always absurd and laughable.
dressing in fatigues grounds him and makes him seem (correctly) that he is with his people and armsmen at all times, that he is a soldier fighting for freedom too
I’m seeing lots of clips of Zelenskyy today & he always wears the fatigues - you can’t tell me that if he had worn a suit they would have given him the aid… just appalling
Which brings to mind where are our former Presidents?
i don't like it one bit
dressing in fatigues grounds him and makes him seem (correctly) that he is with his people and armsmen at all times, that he is a soldier fighting for freedom too
a suit wouldn't be right. it just wouldn't.
these cowards in the white house don't know a thing about war and the true price of freedom