'real' brexit was known 10 years ago. It's almost like a demented three card trick where the horrible right-wing parties convince working class people to vote for/with them.
2 minutes of hate is as
relevant today as it was before 1984.
That's true. What we were told and what it is are two VERY different things. And with the upcoming Trump/Musk presidency, we could do to be a part of something bigger and stronger.
Oh yes. In fairness, all the party leaders in Scotland warned us that it was a bad idea. And we voted strongly against it. But Farage and the right of the Tory party and some Labour people in England were for it.
As far as I am concerned we got exactly what we were told on the remain side. Frankly anyone logically looking at probable outcomes and scenarios could have worked it out for themselves.
Honestly, I think it would be a terrible idea. Much better to campaign for joining the customs union, not least because rejoining would be adopting the euro. Tbh tho, the much more pertinent matter in this country is getting free from the grip of privatisation and neoliberalism.
The UK can’t join the EU by simply having a referendum.
The route back into the EU is the same as for all other applicants (CC, A49, EU acquis, avoid vetoes) and none of the 2 major UK parties will even apply.
Unfortunately, as Brexit and 2 of last 3 US elections demonstrate, the stupid people who can be manipulated to vote against their own interests, are in the majority 😕
2 minutes of hate is as
relevant today as it was before 1984.
I'd do a deal with them. They can have another snap GE if we can have a binding vote in rejoining the EU. Everybody wins.
The route back into the EU is the same as for all other applicants (CC, A49, EU acquis, avoid vetoes) and none of the 2 major UK parties will even apply.
I'd prefer Scotland to join on it's own after it regaining it's independence.
Scotland, I think, has one thing going for it that the UK doesn’t…goodwill.