According to the Guardian, it’s not Welsh, it’s called Tenbury Wells, England.
And there are more than two possibilities.
Anyway, they’re investigating, so no need for everyone on social media to speculate.
In my book this guy has just won a prize for gross stupidity,angered his neighbours, local shopkeepers and residents and should be on a charge for criminal intent. I hope he gets a fat bill for any damage he has done
This was gob-smackingly not a clever move. There’s “previous” for it albeit in St Ives, Cornwall where a landy belonging to one of the 999s did zackly the same thing. It was said to be the bow wave but whichever, doors and old glass windows went.
There's idiots everywhere since the dawn of time. I'm not gonna draw too many generalisations. If I'd done that I'd hate everyone. Come to think of it.....
The fuckers been arrested.
But we don’t know at this point.
I’m not a flood water thru a small English town expert.
And there are more than two possibilities.
Anyway, they’re investigating, so no need for everyone on social media to speculate.
Every building is already flooded.
What actual harm is being done?
Does anyone know the source for this video?
“Excuse Me…! How do you know they are a farmer?”