Paris to Berlin - €49.99
London to Manchester - €324.36
Guess which train journey is 4x longer?
London to Manchester - €324.36
Guess which train journey is 4x longer?
We need to make train travel more attractive not trying to make cars less attractive.
It was cheaper to drive over, stay in a nice hotel and drive home the next day than go there by train.
Something is very broken with the UK transport system.
Rip off Britain.
Anyway, you're better going London-Manchester by bus for a fraction of the price because it's pretty certain you're going to end up on a replacement one anyway
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love 🕺
Profiteering Royal Mail
There is no British rail or Royal Mail - all owned by foreigners
Better service, better trains, more choice.
Privatisation ONLY ever benefits the share holders & senior management.