Privatisation has failed. It is time to renationalise.
Royal Mail
National Grid
Everything that we are going to use every day forever, we don't want to rent it at ripoff prices.
We want to own it.
Royal Mail
National Grid
Everything that we are going to use every day forever, we don't want to rent it at ripoff prices.
We want to own it.
Changing the objective from providing a service to producing a profit for investors; how on earth was that ever going to benefit the consumer?
Delivering the bloody mail
Eight days now …
( The only excuse I can give them is the distance from the sorting office. It must be nearly half a mile away )
Even disaster capitalism itself has debunked trickle down economics ffs
Everything else though, yeah, absolutely.
Nationalise busses and E-bike/scooter rentals too, properly regulate them for safety and affordability.
Net Neutrality.
Was transport on there? If not it should be and before telecoms
If it's a national strategic asset, then it needs direct national oversight.
Do you want to nationalise the mobile phone networks?
Where do you “draw the line?”
We are a nation where the rich sell the plebs down the river and spend decades convincing them it's Labour's fault and they've never had it so good.
I agree with you completely
That includes property.
Not to mention the importance of them if you should ever have a war again.
We were promised cheaper prices and better services but instead we have some of the costliest utilities in the world and standards are pretty poor.
Glad to be a Scot where at least they never sold off our water.