Where is this graveyard? How large is it? How did
Musk’s “enemies” die? Were they ill?
Did he kill them? Did he pay someone
else to kill them? Are the police investigating? If not, why not?
Who handled the remains and
buried Eee’s enemies?
Will we ever learn the answers?
The problem with posting his bullshit tweets here is that most people aren't going to go onto twitter to verify if he actually posted it, and just continue to spread false information.
What other excuse could he have for posting such pathetic adolescent bile?
Where is this graveyard? How large is it? How did
Musk’s “enemies” die? Were they ill?
Did he kill them? Did he pay someone
else to kill them? Are the police investigating? If not, why not?
Who handled the remains and
buried Eee’s enemies?
Will we ever learn the answers?
Do you reckon he writes this crap himself?
Or do you reckon he has minions, paid to come up with these meaningless t****s?
And, presumably, like most "politicians" ( I know he isn't, he's more of a wannabe), he won't bother reading the replies.
Just shouts and runs away.
You could not pick a fight with an ear of corn you nimrod...
Go learn real physics and shove a megaphone up your Uranus you fucking moron...