Margaret Thatcher is by far the worst PM we ever had.
She is the reason the water is filled with sewage and the Water Companies have £72bn debt.
She is the reason Energy prices are among the worst in the world, trains are the slowest and most expensive
Privatisation has to die
She is the reason the water is filled with sewage and the Water Companies have £72bn debt.
She is the reason Energy prices are among the worst in the world, trains are the slowest and most expensive
Privatisation has to die
“The wicked witch is dead”
I will, out of respect for your cognitive abilities, keep this simple.
A Communist, i.e. a Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, are the enemy of individual liberty.
Interesting they both had Alzheimer’s - a disease that causes brain cells to die + the brain to shrink over time; a disease quietly destroying brain cells long before diagnosis.
The trouble with Thatcherism is that eventually you run out of public assets to sell.
Norway set up a sovereign wealth fund from the proceeds, which provides advantages for all of the population.
Thatcher decided it would be a war chest to emasculate the unions and so provided another foundation block to the state of the nation now.
There is not one element of privatisation, not one, where you could suggest the consumer is better off. Not for price, service, or quality
Want true competition? (Cont)
Suddenly your airlines, banks, power companies, etc, etc, will be exposed for the useless thieves they are
A rancid, evil genius.
She persuaded the British public to buy shares in utility companies that the British public already owned.
Maggie's legacy continues
Lowered 🇬🇧 as a country to the rubble it currently is. Let's hope Sir Keir could attempt to emulate some of the repair job by Blair. But it can only ever be a repair job as we are doomed.
Neoliberal bloodsuckers.
What happened said the wife? Thatcher there is no such thing society. There once was😢