If you ever needed proof that extremely rich people aren't extremely clever.
You need look no further than Elon Musk he's f*cking stupid.
You need look no further than Elon Musk he's f*cking stupid.
He’ll be remembered for that!
But he does have some creative ideas in terms of product development.
He does not have the global stupidity of Trump.
Just look at Rees Mogg. Sounds intelligent by sprinkling a bit of Latin in, but thicker than a Whale omelette.
si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.
- yes. Equota - nah.
But I do think he’s doing this for mischief - rich person bored of the usual toys sends tweets out messing with democratically elected govts.
We do need to stop amplifying this game.
Stop following them because they're manipulating us, not because they are or aren't clever.
He's a cringelord basically.
Buying twitter to demand every tweet loves him is hifhly nacissistic.