I’m in hiding. Bought a Tesla three years ago (sorry, it’s great), to help save the world. What can I do? Can’t afford to trade it in. Was going to be my ‘last ever car’.
I bet your Swasti’car’ is worth at least 5 times my car. The trade in will run the replacement for several years with the left over money.
The thing that gives these people power is money. We need to take that away.
It’s all we have left to vote with.
I’d love to live in the nice black and white world you live in with no need to see other sides or the nuances of disagreement. I’m also surprised that you seem to know more about my financial situation than anyone else. But then again, jumping to conclusions, not listening isn’t restricted anymore.
So in Elon Musk gets pissed about something like he did in Ukraine he can just shut his StarLink down. And then what our FAA system planes start falling from the sky 😲
The thing that gives these people power is money. We need to take that away.
It’s all we have left to vote with.
Oh the the karma if that happened, I'd become a Bhuddist.