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For additional clarity, "the slags paying you" also includes the the people raising prices on housing/rent/utilities/groceries/everything; they're all part of the same Capitalist class that controls both wages and prices.
Yes! Long overdue, actually. Our ancestors should have done it but they didn't. So the responsibility has become heavier and it now falls on us to carry it out.
it's the broader community's responsibility to take care of itself
this is just individualism masked as being kind
it's how people who have a lot, do nothing, and should be providing for the communities themselves pass the blame onto people actually doing stuff lmao
people talking about minimum wage and putting all this pressure on employers when they should be demanding free support, UBI, and thinking about being a business themselves
the "I'm just a worker" mentality is the reason we're in this mess
you're asking the logistics part of society for morality
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Thank you!
it's the broader community's responsibility to take care of itself
this is just individualism masked as being kind
it's how people who have a lot, do nothing, and should be providing for the communities themselves pass the blame onto people actually doing stuff lmao
the "I'm just a worker" mentality is the reason we're in this mess
you're asking the logistics part of society for morality