Richest 1% in the UK have - £2.8tn
The poorest 70% (everybody with less than £650,000) have - £2.4tn
That means if you took half the 1%'s wealth and gave it to the poorest 70% they would get 60% richer, and the 1% would still be more than 20x richer than them.
The poorest 70% (everybody with less than £650,000) have - £2.4tn
That means if you took half the 1%'s wealth and gave it to the poorest 70% they would get 60% richer, and the 1% would still be more than 20x richer than them.
1000x richer is not enough for them.
It's never enough.
They just want more. And more. And more.
At 14, a cavity led to an absess, which required surgery & 4 days in hospital.
Dental care is health care and should be free at the point of use.
But you're not taking all of it with you.
And you'll have to sell your houses, etc.