Benefits too easy to claim?
Stephen Smith was found fit to work by the DWP assessors when he looked like this.
Stephen Smith was found fit to work by the DWP assessors when he looked like this.
I would prefer it to be universal than the current situation where 800000 who are entitled to it don't claim it.
The assessment COs are incentivised to take people's benefits away. I don't know if they lose that if appels win or if penalised. I doubt it. perhaps you could find out.
Is this why you joined Labour?
I object to allusions that it’s this govt doing these things when it happened in 2019.
They're incapable of telling the truth.
These people are the shame of humankind.
Index linked pension
£50 lunches
2nd jobs (not enough to do as MP)
Consultancy/lobby work (forget voters)
Yet many MP's are not fit to be MP's...maybe they should be assessed?
1 Doing the right thing for the whole country
2 Undoing 14 years of micro favours that go against what's good for the whole country.
This basic approach will get to MP role and so on, but Economy, NHS and Ukraine are priorities.
Lot to do.
This lot are almost as bad as the last lot - owned by the same people of course.
Labour destroys lives for good reasons
The last lot of benefit cuts were started by the previous Labour government.
re austerity policies, since 2010-2019 over 330,000 excess deaths.