Domestic enemies of the Constitution.
Inciting and pardoning insurrection. Bribery. Giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Knowingly violating all the laws. Defying court orders. Usurping authority of other branches.
What more do you need to see?
Inciting and pardoning insurrection. Bribery. Giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Knowingly violating all the laws. Defying court orders. Usurping authority of other branches.
What more do you need to see?
The weakness in our Constitution is that it depended on honorable people. It also never foresaw such huge accumulation of wealth in one crazy 💩head
I just can't figure out how to persuade voters to turn on another news source so they can start questioning.
I can't figure out how we'll get big money out of politics so musk can go back to trying to colonize Mars.
Without musk's threats to support 1/2
I can't figure out how...anything.