#COP16 plenary (hoped to be the final) has started now in Rome
Cheers and claps in the plenary hall
EU raising objections with paragraph 17 (below is what it currently looks like)
Parties just adopted the GBF monitoring framework AND the text on planning, monitoring, reporting, and review (PMRR), including the global review
Again no objections
Susana Muhamad says countries have given "arms, legs and muscles" to the GBF
Countries have just adopted a text on cooperation with other conventions, after last minute deletions referencing the BBNJ (biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction) agreement by Russia
Argentina tried to raise a late objection, but the decision had already been gavelled
Presidency did not want to do this so reopened talks
Countries have just adopted the text again, now including both Russia's and Argentina's edits
Countries were most divided on the resource mobilisation and financial mechanism texts, after they found a compromise on this they were able to quickly proceed with the others