The POTUS is aiding and abetting Putin, the war criminal. Every American should be outraged.
Russian Strikes on Ukraine Kill at Least 20 as U.S. Cuts Intelligence Sharing With Kyiv.
Russian Strikes on Ukraine Kill at Least 20 as U.S. Cuts Intelligence Sharing With Kyiv.
The "U.S." and "Intelligence"
are no longer words
that can be conjoined.
Fucking Russia.
Those assholes won’t stop until we’re all dead…they’ve already compromised the NSC at Chernobyl.
However, if that's what Putin wants, that's what Putin shall receive...
Smh. Someone should have locked that shit up before it got handed over. Archived and scuttled. Smh.
Get him gone. A hotel room with a window?
George Zimmerman had “enough” with a hoodie and bag of skittles
Kyle rittenhouse had “enough” with a skateboard
Both given golden tickets in court.
But Epstein raped how many before they “had enough”
Pick up a rifle