Because unfortunately lotteries were invented to make them believe that they could become rich one day, which prevents them from wanting to devour people who could become their friends.
They leverage the media to distract the general population and they leverage politicians and lawyers to fend off anyone trying to climb into their treehouses.
Because we've all been brainwashed into thinking "ViOlENcE iS nEvER tHe AnSWeR!" When it's clearly the only answer sometimes. Why do we have an army? Why is a militia in our constitution? Why do we HONOR those buried in Arlington cemetery? THEY DIED FIGHTING! We were never meant to live this way.
Because the upper class has convinced the lower class to fear immigrants and trans people instead of oligarchs. So the working class suffers while the wealthy benefit and the poor *thinks* they are benefiting.
They are divided. Populism by social media and political figures has turned them against each other and also offered an easy sacrificial lambs to blame. Usually imigrants.
Years ago I saw a car with two matching bumper stickers. One said;
When the power of love becomes greater than the love of power there will be peace on earth.
B/c, in the US, most are ultra-dogmatic, & lack social consciousness & self-actualization; if they had those, labor unions—like in other industrial nations—would be a power lock to be reckoned with.
We, Americans, keep talking about the bullßhît "middle class," forgetting that the unions created it!
Because they are our Gods and we revere them. They are magical. They get rich while simultaneously not being able to come up with an ounce of decency or an original idea. 'MURIKA!
That's why they support tax breaks for the rich: they think they will benefit once their luck changes.
They don't care about any impact it may have on the poor because they don't see themselves as poor.
When the power of love becomes greater than the love of power there will be peace on earth.
The other,
Religion is why the poor don't eat the rich
Walk away if it is best for you. I did.
No regrets.
They will be fine. They've got a guard.
We, Americans, keep talking about the bullßhît "middle class," forgetting that the unions created it!
I F'ing despise the "auto spell checker"! 🤬🤬🤬🤣