Yes! In France you never, ever hear the extreme right questioning universal healthcare for the French. If they did that would be the end of their party.
Well please talk to the conservatives in Canada, they are constantly trying to underfund it to the point of failure so they can sell the services to the highest bidder. They are awful and shitty people who will leave disabled people to go bankrupt or live in excruciating pain.
You do unfortunately see factions within countries trying to undermine it by creating a two tier system where the wealthy can pay for healthcare and the poor get the free system. Which funnels all talent and resources to the wealthy paid system.
Just look at what they've done to the Australian system. Only took about 30 years to basically f*ck it up pretty much irrevocably.
All in the pursuit of becoming little USA.
F*ck you John Howard you c*nt.
This is EXACTLY what we are fighting in Canada right now. Unfortunately our present liberal government is in dire straits and the likely incoming conservative government is led by a mini trump Pierre Pollievre also a “see you next Tuesday” 😉🤬
Ohhhhh look across the pond..???😳 The tories, conservatives are doing everything they can to take it away from us through stealth. We pay for it through N.I and tax but they are syphoning billions off by stealth and shady contracts. Farage wants privatisation. Greed and personal gain. Disgusting.🤬
Have a look at Australia.
Successive liberal (wanna be Republican/oligarch) governments have slowly brought what was once the envy of the world in healthcare down to a shadow of what it was.
True, at least not through political campaigns but as soon as a right wing party gets into power in Swden or the UK, the public healthcare is under constant assault through private subcontracting, blocking payraise for nurses and doctors etc.
All in the pursuit of becoming little USA.
F*ck you John Howard you c*nt.
Have a look at Australia.
Successive liberal (wanna be Republican/oligarch) governments have slowly brought what was once the envy of the world in healthcare down to a shadow of what it was.
Thanks John Howard, you c*nt.
And the corrupt conservatives made millions in bribes.
The Donald Trump Health Care plan will be unveiled within two weeks.
America First my Ass!